Don’t worry if you got Traffic Ticket. consider getting consultation from traffic ticket attorney is a good way to beat it. many others already successfully came over it. see below.
I got pulled over by a cop and got a must appear ticket for driving without a license. My court date is in July 11 at 8:30 and I need a lawyer that can defend me!!
I have two tickets,one for dus and no insurance. My problem is its county not city and the judge told me to have a lawyer.
I have a ticket for no lisence and doing 30 in a school zone and I have 2 tickets from 13 years ago that I did community service for that I thought they were taking care of
I have a 3 time suspension for driving on suspended license…an a warrant for failure to appear
I went to court for speeding ticket didnt have money at the time to pay ticket judge gave me 1month extension and i forgo. To pay it now i have to prove why i shouldnt be held in contempt of court
Weeks ago without my knowdledge I was driving on the wrong side of the road… I drove to the light at the intersection to stop at the light and to procees to make a left turn..The State Troppor was on the other side of the intersection to make a left turn on Danna Rd. where I was..he got of his car told me out of my car and walk onto the grass (with my cane) on the side of the road I could not as I just had back surgery and scared of falling..he told the other Officer to shine a light in my eyes to see if they were dialited and they were okay..I dont know what happen I have been on pain meds my dr. gave me and hontly dont know what they called my son gave him my ticket for reckless driving..apper in court sept. 7-14..can you please help me.. my funds are very low..Im truly sorry for all of this and I know what a terrible thing I did with out knowing..thank you.
My 2013 Ford Focus was towed by Phila. Parking Authority for unpaid parking tickets. Went to a hearing and they want all tickets paid from 1988 to present. I am currently receiving unemployment compensation and cannot afford their payment plan. The total amount is approximately $4,800 with a $1,600 downpayment. I am still financing the vehicle with about 18,000 still owed. What is the statue of limitations on this? Can you please help me?
Got charged with driving 20 over the speed limit. does not hold a valid drivers license. desperately in need of an affordable lawyer Thanks.
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