A paperwork violation is considered a non-moving traffic violation, otherwise known as a traffic violation that occurs while the vehicle is not in motion. Paperwork violations are considered civil matters, as they involve the vehicle’s actual owner, whereas moving violations involve the driver of the vehicle and not necessarily the vehicle’s owner. Paperwork violations are Read the full article…
Tag: Traffic Ticket Lawyer
Equipment violations
An equipment violations is one of the three types of non-moving traffic violations. Specifically, an equipment violation is a violation of a statute, ordinance, or rule relating to traffic movement and control that involves equipment, vehicles or their drivers, owners, or pedestrians, and miscellaneous offenses not categorized elsewhere. Unlawful vehicle modifications and mechanical violations are committed Read the full article…
Non-moving violations
Non-moving violations include equipment violations, parking violations, and paperwork violations relating to insurance, registration, licensing, and inspection. Traffic court is a municipality’s specialized judicial process for handling traffic cases. Certain states have the option for a person to request a Trial by Written Declaration, and those states are: California, Florida, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Read the full article…
Speeding ticket
Speeding tickets can greatly affect your driving privileges and can also be expensive. Speeding violation laws vary by state and speeding can result in fines, points added to your driver’s license, driver’s license suspension or revocation, increased auto insurance premiums, and/or possible jail time. Street Racing Ticket Being cited with a street racing, or drag Read the full article…
Illegal movements
An illegal movement is a moving violation that could cause potential physical harm to people and/or property. Illegal movements differ from non-moving violations due to the inclusion of the term, “movement.” The most common of these illegal movement are a “failure to” do something, such as failing to signal a turn or failing to stop for Read the full article…
Distracted driving
Distracted driving is defined as the act of driving while engaged in other activities. These ‘other activities’ can be anything from texting, talking (either on the phone or to a passenger), adjusting your music, rubbernecking, eating, reading, shaving, and more. Basically, anything that takes the driver’s attention away from the road is considered distracted driving. Read the full article…
Aggressive driving
Aggressive driving, or road rage,is an assault by the operator or passenger of one motor vehicle on the operator of another motor vehicle, caused by an incident that occurred on the roadway. Frequent examples of road rage include: following too closely, using the horn or flashing headlights excessively, speeding or slowing down dramatically to attempt Read the full article…
Traffic tickets
Millions of traffic tickets are issued each year in the United States. The average fine costs around $150, but in some states, a driver can be fined up to $2000 or more. The states of Michigan, New Jersey, New York and Texas have enacted a Driver Responsibility Program that establishes a system which assigns points Read the full article…