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Need Legal Advice For Alimony

Legal aid for alimony and free legal consultation by affordable lawyers in family law. So far successfully helped many alimony cases, see following cases.


My husband bring me to america. we’ve been married 2 years and 5 months. he was mentally and emotionally abusive. it turned physical. i am now in domestic violence shelter in manassas. i need money and he won’t provide for me.


My child support happened. child support i hired lawyer. i give her the money  but she cannot reduce the child support she told the state cannot reduce the child support so i have hire a lawyer to reduce  the child support or modified.


Ex-husband refuses to pay court-ordered alimony.  he has stopped paying and i am in financial trouble.  i am 78yo and i only have my social security check.


I was served via text message that my husband of 14 years filed for a divorce. and lied to the judge. he said my address was unknown, left me with no alimony, and debt.


My husband kicked me out in may of this year and is barely sending me enough money to cover my doctor and prescriptions each month. he has threatened to not send me any more money if i file for more money and i dont know what to do.


I have been divorced for couple of years now. i am wondering if i, becoming unable to work and going on disability during marraige, would be eligible for alimony.  there are circumstances that may not be the norm in this case andreally need advice. thank you

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