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Filed For Divorce?

Looking for local divorce attorney, why not submit your details here and let divorce lawyers contact you in matter of mins. following type of cases are already taken care by lawyers.

I just got married in december 24 2013 and he just take off never come back so I need my divorce he went to my job and say he does not want to be with me so I want my divorce


Married in  SC 2003 my then husband filed for divorce. I recieved evidence of divorce papers in 2008 assuming they were just copies and that the divorce was final. My then husband has filed for a divorce. Legaly we are still married and I have comitted Polygamy unawre that the origanil divorce was incomplete. I need an annulment from my now husband whom I married in 2013, so that we can remarry legaly.


Need a payment plan.My exhusband is traying to take my kids and house away from me plus he wants me to pay alimony and child support .he has never take care of our kids neither of the house.because i have a baby with my partner now .he said that i comited adulery.i never cheat on him he was the one that left me.


I already obtained an attorney with a retainer fee of 750. The divorce has been filed and he was served. I feel like she is not with me on anything we went to court last week and my husband talked to her and said he wanted to get a lawyer as well so we reset and then she almost doubled the original agreed amount and then proceeded to insult me. I have 2 small children that are going through this as well. My husband has no job and has not worked in the past 3 years has a criminal history of theif assault drugs evading and resisting. I have court june 10 th please help

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