Looking for an alimony lawyer help? Look below we helped following cases may be we can also connect you to a lawyer.
My ex husband is court ordered through a divorce agreement to pay alimony. he decided he didn’t want to pay it anymore and quit. i need to file paperwork with the judge for a show cause/order motion and to opt-in with friend of the court so this doesn’t happen again.
Doing through divorce… judge didn’t believe me hit me with 2500 post separation support… even i don’t make that much… she took my gross sale as net profit… a father of 6 …3living with me and support them 24/7 and 3kids living with mom 4days and with me 3 days paying her child support
I received papers from my husbands lawyer for a divorce and i need legal representative. i do not have a job and cant afford one. there is so much more to all of this. my husband abandoned me and is living in another state. he is retired navy of 28 years. i feel if i don’t get legal help he is going to take advantage of the situation. there is so much more to this whole story.
Was in depression when i signed divorce papers, am currently paying alimony. can i have it changed? she has remarried.
I am a disabled veteran. my x-wife and her attorney keeps having me arrested, holding me in contempt of court. i just don’t have anymore money and all my bills are behind, having to come up with $5,000 everytime i have been incarcerated. please help me.
I am in separation with my husband who was cheating on me and neglecting me and our new born child. i have custody and placement over the child who is almost 3 y old now. due to the post partum problems and lyme disease i had difficulties with earning money. due to very hard living conditions and lack of support i left us in march and spend a few months in costa rica and last 6 months in poland. my child’s father was supposed to pay child support and spousal support $3tys/month. starting in june he pays $1tys.,saying that because he can’t see his son, he will not pay. his annual salary is $110 000.do i have any wrights?i had a lawyer, but i can’t afford his fees anymore.could you help, please?ps. the tel number i provided is a friend’s number, since my card with the verizon have expired. given space does not accept international numbers.
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