Looking for local divorce attorney, why not submit your details here and let divorce lawyers contact you in matter of mins. following type of cases are already taken care by lawyers.
I am currently in the middle of divorce proceedings and i am in desperate need of an attorney. My husband has an attorney and was given temporary majority time sharing.I am a victim of domestic violance for 15 years my children are in danger and being manipulated by this man Please help.
I file for divorce paper that my husband had prepared and he said we could get remarried after the Bankruptcy. He lied and left a few days later with another woman. I need to amend to get maintenance of 300 ton 600 Dollars.
Stop or reduse spousal support because of hardship also ex wife was remarried.I was marrie for over 20yrs and been divorce for 8yrs please help.
My husband is in jail for domestic violance against me and i want to divorce him beacuase of it. we have a son together and one on the way. he almost made me loose the baby when he assaulted me.
I filed for absolute divorce and my husband is contesting it. He contests the separation date and address I listed as his address. He and his lawyer have filed a petition to have my petition for divorce dismissed on these grounds. I dont know how to proceed.
I have a divorce judgement that was written up by a paralegal and mediator. They suggested I take it to an attorney to look over before we send it in but I can not afford to pay 300 dollars an hour.
I have been married 16 years, and for the past 5 years, I have been dealing with verbal abuse, threats of non payment. I am interested in getting a divorce.
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