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File For Child Custody

How to get lead aid for Child custody? Following cases got it in just minutes. You can also get child custody lawyer by submitting your case details here.


The mother of my daughter is moving and taking my daughter and I have been the one who been the primary soul care giver since the day she was born. I have been begging my daughters mother to leave her with me but she refuses.


I have full custody of my 10 year old daughter. My ex was supposed to drug test and has supervised visitation. She failed to comply and hasnt seen my daughter since Sept of last year. No letters, phone contact, etc. My current wife and I own 2 homes and our entire extended families reside there. I went through 2 years of social services bullshit to get custody of my daughter after her mother lost her. We pay 1500 a month rent. when we own 2 homes. The court stipulated I need their permission to relocate. My ex is a chmpion at playing the victim. She has 2 convictions for child abuse. I have the motion, but feel the judge was overly concerned about ex wifes rights. I need assistance with motion and representation, along with chronological court steps. Thanks


I am fully and completely divorced and ex husband got custody of my daughter because at the time I was not able to support her. I am back on my feet and want to fight for her back he is not taking care of her and I am finding out that he is moving and leaving my daughter with his mother.


My Ex boyfriend has claimed he got full custody of our daughter, Emmalynn. Well I just got notified after 2 years neither of us have custody. I would like to file asap to get her in a safe environment. I found out that he is in a lot of legal trouble and is facing prison time. He is very violent and has a long record. I am scared because his court date is coming up and if he goes to jail or prison I should get her. I tried contacting him and his mother. You can pull his record and it says it all. I also found out that there was a possibility of her being molested and I was never informed because he told the court I abandoned her. So I just found all this out… I need help in what direction to go.


I am looking for a lawyer to help me with filing a motion I have received money my X husband owes for my child social security he is trying to get child support from me and he is abusing.

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