Divorce and Spousal Support Child

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Affordable Divorce lawyer in your local area can be find here. you just need to submit your case details to them asap. See following examples of divorce cases lawyers already worked upon successfully.


In need of a probono divorce lawyer. My husband left myself and our 5 month old baby and left us with barely anything.


Wages being garnished for child support and spouse support child is 21 and in prison amount 840 a month can not pay bills been evicted twice since this started.


need to divorce spouse she is abusive mentally physically along with being committed to our marriage\


I am 71 years old, my husband has kicked me out of our home. He is abusive and a drunk. I have no place to go. I am sickly and work every day. I cant afford an expensive lawyer with all our bills I have to pay. I dont know what to do. He filed. I did not. I need help. I am lost of of my home.I have a bad heart and need to have surgery but I wont have my home to go to.


I had to leave my home.. My husband is verbally and emotional abusive and had an affair with my daughter right in front of me in my home.


Husband left 3 weeks ago 3 minir chikdren. Commited adultry. I cannot work due to pregnancy. Need advice


I am trying to get a divorce after 10 yrs.  he been in an out of prisonthe whole time.  we have 3 kids together i want full custody.  i don have a lot of money though.


Ex military husband retirement was omitted by him. Filed an amenderesponse,what form do i need to file before the courts an,where do i get it

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