Legal aid for alimony and free legal consultation by affordable lawyers in family law. So far successfully helped many alimony cases, see following cases.
About tow years ago i got a divorce their was a lot of domestic violence when we went to sing the divorce papers i was told by my son to be ex husband to not dare to claim alimony. he threanten to hurt me and to take our children away form me i fear for my well being so i sing off my rights of alimony i just dont think that is right erverything. We both worked for in 20 years of our merring he kept he has fooled everyong that he was the victim he had a arrest for domestic violence that he cleared i just need to know if their is a way to reopen a case or if their is anything i can do i sing not willing but forced i know what this man is capable off lived wiht him 20 years please help me.
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