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Child Custody Support

How to get lead aid for Child custody? Following cases got it in just minutes. You can also get child custody lawyer by submitting your case details here.


My childs father took my daughter away from me for 3 months we went to court and they gave him temporary cuz toys because i work so much. I need help fighting for my daughter back


My sons father and I made a parenting plan together in Feb. he doesnt abide by it. I need help on how to get full custody, with every other weekend visitation, and how to get child support.


Filed an OSC to modify custody and ex got an attorney 2 days before court wont return my calls or let me talk with my daughter we currently have a 50 50 custody.


I have full coustody of my 6yr old son back in oct.i went to jail for 90 days so I sign gauridianship over and now the people that have my son wont give him back..the judge order me to have vistation til we get it solve and they still wnt let me see him


Me and my wife lost custody of our 2 children back in 2006 when our children were 6 years old, our daughter and 9 years old, our son. My parents, their grandparents have custody. Our kids are now 15 years old and 17 years old. This was a C.P.S. issue back in 2006 and there grandparents did adopt them. Since then things have significanty changed and their grandparents want Mom and Dad to adopt the children back. Both parents and grandparents are low income on Social Security.

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