Divorce, also known as dissolution of marriage, is a legal process to terminate a marriage and is governed by the state law. Couples can obtain a divorce on Fault and No-fault grounds. When a party blames the other party for matters like adultery, addiction, impotency, etc. then it is divorce on fault grounds. In no-fault Read the full article…
Category: Divorce
Different divorce issues for U.S. Immigrants
If you’re an immigrant and hold a green card or other U.S immigration status because of your marriage to a U.S citizen, it can be concerning for you in case of a divorce. According to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), lot of immigrants have fraud marriages with U.S citizens to obtain residence. To Read the full article…
Effects of Divorce on Children
Coming to terms with the fact that their parents are getting divorced can be difficult for children. With a major concern of their children’s welfare, sometimes parents continue living in unhappy marriages to save children from the trauma that is associated with divorce. However, divorcing parents can be hopeful that their children won’t necessarily be Read the full article…
How to make your divorce as smooth as possible?
About 40 to 50 percent of married couples in United States get divorce as indicated by the data from National Survey of Family Growth. Although no one enters marriage expecting failure but nevertheless separation and divorce are extremely difficult events of life often letting loose extremes of emotions such as anger and grief which often Read the full article…
Infidelity- a tool to get more money in divorce
Divorce regulations have modified a lot over the last few hundreds of years. Many of the reasons for divorce available in the United Declares today are based in the guidelines instated by early English concept. Following the United States Colonies’ freedom, each agreement generally identified its own appropriate reasons for divorce. During northeastern times, reasons Read the full article…
Divorce Lawyer
Types of Divorce Though divorce laws vary from state to state, there are two basic approaches to divorce: fault based and no-fault based. However, even in some jurisdictions that do not require a party to claim fault of their partner, a court may still take into account the behavior of the parties when dividing property, Read the full article…