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Auto Accident issue

Expert Attorneys for your auto accident issues. Fill out the given form and get legal help quickly, look below we just helped others with same auto accident issues.


There was an abandonned car on 295(no lights, signs, etc.) The first car tried to avoid hitting it and hit a wall, the second car hit the first car (the plaintiff) and I hit the second car. I was travelling the speed limit. The accident was unavoidable.


Many people would love to have an attorney to review forms and agreements before signing them, to direct phone calls from collectors to, or to deal with a retail company that ripped them off, but they assume that the cost of hiring an attorney is prohibitive.


I purchased a tire frm PEP BOYAS and hag a local tirer placa put it on and they also rotated the tires to avoid any other problems about 2 weeks later while driving the new tire they put on for me came offand ened up i wasnt really hurt or any thing other than my wrist has been sore for a while i guess from squeezing the steering wheel so tight trying to control the car. unfortunately i never got it checked out because i have no insurance. at first the guy wanted to settle now he is saying he doesnt belive it weas his fault.


I was in an accident. where my vehicle was hit in the rear causing substantual damage to the rear of my vehicle. The insurer of the vehicle that hit mine has refused to compensate me for damages encured on my vehicle.


my son was involve in a car accident and the other vehicle involve left the scene but we got the plates n vehicle number of the other vehicle involve.

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