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Auto Accident And License Is Suspended

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My Exhusband and I aparted about 2 yr. And last week or two he went to court because he wanted to determinate the Alimony. He excused was no money to pay me.


I am over the age of 18 i just do not have a credit card. I rear ended another party.I did not have insurance at the time. i got a statment and the amount was $1,500 and they want the whole payment then and there or they would suspend my drivers license. I was told that my bill would keep increasing until they stoped recieving medical bills and until the other party stops recieving medical care now the amount is up to $5,000 and my license is suspended. There is a lot more to my situation. i need help I am unemployed.


I had a car accident involving three cars, me being the last & Im the only one to have the most lost from injuries to car being totaled. My Insurance to my surprise had lapsed due to me changing banks & auto debt for it didnt get changed. The lady I hit, insurance Co is sueing me for damages. I have been davasted from all the lost and finacial problems I had before the accident to the point of moving in with my parents filing bankruptcy and health issues I dont have much money and I still dont have a car. Im hoping to fine a lawyer to represent me before my day in court on Feb 23,2012


I accidentally hit a ole in the media strip, for some reason i was so afraid to tell my insurance company the truth, so i told them i someone else hit my car, now that the claims adjuster has given me an estimate of the damages,he also told me my the damages on my vehicle looks like i hit a pole, he also said i will be getting a phone call once he upload the pictures to the insurance company i will be getting a phone call to answer a few more question, i dont know why i just didnt tell the the truth i was just scared, please advise if i should be honest at this point and will it effect my car getting repaired.


You have been arrested for a moving violation or DUI You owe a debt and face foreclosure or property lien You are owed a debt, and need to know how best to collect it


Defective vehecle airbags did not go off contaced pontaic they keep putting me off. pontaic 2005 g6 was the make of my car the car has frontal airbag system and the accident i was involved in happened november 27th 2011. the car was financed and i bought it from weld county garadge, they never told me anything about my car being wrecked but there is 27 things aagainst my car on car fax. thank you


I had a accident on 12/19/11 and was taken to the hospital from the scene. I called the girl that hit me to try to get her insurance information first she hung up in my face. So I called her back and she sent me to voice mail.So I left her a message letting her know that since she dont want to talk or give me the information that I need, Ill just have to get the police report and go through the courts. Then she called back and said, “I dont know who you think you are playing with and I dont have to tell you sh*t.”(That is when she started using that language towards me.) Then said, “you aint getting nothing unless you bring me to court.) So I said, “ok you have a nice day.” So with all that said I need to know how do I go about making her pay for my car, doctor bills, and missing work. Oh and she got the ticket after the ambulance took me to the hospital. But I also need to know do. Please call me immediately before I have to leave for my new job.

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