Fight Traffic Ticket

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I am charged with disobedience to lane change rule which is completely un-reasonable and not true so I want to fight traffic ticket.


Driving on suspended license. Rushing home to get my wife to the hospital. She had complications after surgery.


Have 2 traffic tickets that are payable but if I pay them my points will be taken need my license immediately due to my current employer has to have them.


I was pulled over sometime ago for lack of insurance and i didnt go to court so i now have a a warrant first offense with driving with no insurance i believe but am not sure and dont want to go to jail so i need to know if i need legal aid before i put it back.


I needed to get my kids from school so I got in the car to go get my kids and I have no license. My first time ever getting in trouble.I know it might be late but my court date is tomorrow.


Having issues with the DMV,  was susoended fir 4 years went and got license back with an SR22.  Had my license for two years and they suspended me   January 29 2016 for a traffic ticket that i paid reinstatement fees on. The ticket was (5) five years ago.  I have been to 3 DMV in SC and all had different answer.  I track this ticket down all the way to thecouts house to find out i paid a fine and spent time incarcerated over this ticket. So they are punishing me again.  The solicitor says i need a lawyer

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